A safe space policy is all about creating an open and welcoming environment within our centre so that all our members feel able to participate. With this in mind we ask all students, staff, volunteers and visitors to adhere to this policy, and it is mandatory that all official Jamyang activity is carried out in accordance with this policy. This policy also extends to social media and online resources (Facebook, Twitter, Website etc).
Jamyang London Buddhist Centre is committed to operating as a space which is inclusive and supportive in which no forms of discrimination are tolerated. Racism, homophobia, biphobia, sexism, transphobia, disablism or prejudice based on age, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, gender presentation, language ability, immigration status or religious affiliation is unacceptable and will be challenged.
Safe Space Guidelines
Be aware of the connotations of your language. Many common expressions use discriminatory language so think before speaking. Be aware of the language you use in discussion and how you relate to others. Your experiences are not necessarily the same as everybody else in the room.
Oppressive Behaviour
Be aware of any position and privileges you may bring regarding for example your race, your class, your gender identity, your ability or your age. Try not to make generalising statements.
Accessible Language
Try to use accessible language, speaking slowly and clearly, and use uncomplicated language, avoid any acronyms and in-jokes.
Do not make assumptions about anyone’s identity and consider the ways that people from global majority groups may be impacted in different ways by the issues you discuss.
Be mindful of everyone’s gender, pronouns, sexual preference, abilities, ethnic identity, survivor status, or life experiences. A pronoun is how you refer to someone, for example using she or they. Please ask people what their pronouns are if you are meeting them for the first time. Use their correct pronouns, even if the words are unfamiliar to you. If you make a mistake and refer to someone with the wrong pronoun, apologise and move on.
Do not be derogatory to anyone about these things. Be prepared to challenge hateful, discriminatory, or oppressive language. If you are challenged, do not become defensive, but listen and think and learn.
Respecting Boundaries and Confidentiality
Respect each other’s physical and emotional boundaries, always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing boundaries. If a discussion becomes personal, we trust that participants will keep what is said inside the room and behave with kindness and consideration when responding.
Space to Speak
Participants should be considerate of how much they are speaking to avoid dominating the conversation, and avoid interrupting other people who are sharing their views. We encourage participants to listen to views which are different from their own, but feel confident in expressing opposition in a non-confrontational way.
Should you feel that the policy has been breached and appropriate action was not taken at the time, speak to the event facilitator or Director. All concerns will be taken seriously and dealt with in accordance with our grievance procedure.