Digitising the Dharma

Did you know that in the basement of Jamyang London Buddhist Centre, there lies an extensive audio cassette collection?

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama entering the Main Tibetan Temple for the long life puja offered to him by the FPMT organization, May 24, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor, courtesy of DalaiLama.com

Yesterday (31 May 2023), marked the 49th day of the passing of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche. In Kopan, and around the world, an ocean of prayers and practices were done for Rinpoche’s swift return. Jamyang London Buddhist Centre was no exception, with Geshe Namdak leading the community in prayer.

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Jorchö (Preparatory Practices for Buddhist Meditation) with Geshe Namdak

Geshe Namdak will be giving a teaching on Jorchö. These more extensive preliminary practices enable us to fully prepare our mind to generate spiritual realisations. Often done at the beginning of a meditation session, or as the first session of the day during retreat, each practice has a specific purpose, and combined together, provide practitioners with the most conducive internal conditions to make progress in their meditation on the Buddhist path.

The Special Insight Chapter of Shabkar’s Emanated Scripture of Manjushri

We are delighted that Sean Price, the translator of the Emanated Scripture of Manjushri, will be giving a teaching at Jamyang on the Special Insight chapter, helping us to unravel Shabkar’s exposition on Middle Way philosophy, and the methods for gaining the realisation of the ultimate nature of reality