Dharma Express Meditation
In-person The Old Courthouse, 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United KingdomThis regular drop-in session allows students to practice various Buddhist meditations with their peers, followed by a discussion group for anyone interested in the Buddhist worldview and way of life.
Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend
Hybrid 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United Kingdom +1 moreJoin us as we embark upon a 3-month exploration of this famous text. Guided by Geshe Tenzin Namdak, we will delve into Arya Nagarjuna's poetic instructions that convey the entire Mahayana path with unusual clarity and memorable imagery.
Chandrakirti’s Entering the Middle Way | Geshe Tenzin Namdak
Main Gompa at Jamyang 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United Kingdom +1 moreGeshe Namdak will open the door to Chandrakirti's classic text and reveal its many riches to us over the span of two years.
Medicine Buddha Puja
In-person The Old Courthouse, 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United KingdomDuring this traditional practice we hold in our hearts the suffering of the world and pray for peace, harmony and healing for all life on earth and beyond.
Exploring Buddhism
Hybrid 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United Kingdom +1 moreThe newest addition to FPMT's list of courses uniquely incorporates scientific research.
Bereavement Café
Library at Jamyang 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United KingdomAre you recently bereaved and wish you could chat or just listen openly in a group with no set agenda with those who have had similar experiences? Come along for tea and cake.
Death Cafe
Library at Jamyang 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United KingdomAt a Death Cafe people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death.
Dying Well
Library at Jamyang 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United KingdomDying Well is open to anyone interested in exploring more about what a good death might be for themselves and looking at what preparations might be helpful to have a ‘good death’.