Plan your school visit at Jamyang Buddhist Centre
If you would like your school to visit Jamyang Buddhist Temple and the Buddhist Centre, please contact Jamyang’s Community Events Coordinator, Jane Sill: [email protected].
Jamyang Buddhist Centre offers School visits on Friday Mornings only.
There are two available slots each Friday morning – school visits are very popular, please be sure to book well in advance.
Check the latest COVID Safety Guidance before visiting us.
Jamyang Buddhist Centre welcomes students from primary and secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities, who would like to learn more about Buddhism as part of their religious studies.
The itinerary for a typical school visit would be:
- A short talk about the history of our historic building and about Jamyang Buddhist Centre itself & health & safety.
- A short talk about Buddhism, answering questions. The talk can be tailored to meet the needs of visiting parties. It is helpful to e-mail questions prior to the visit, but they can also be asked on the day.
- A short, simple guided meditation (if requested).
School visits at Jamyang Buddhist Centre have been going on for many years and the feedback we receive has always been extremely positive. During your visit, you can discover interesting curiosity, such as the history of the Buddha’s statues at Jamyang Buddhist Centre, and the historical history of the Old Courthouse.
The school visits are hosted by a team of volunteers under the guidance of Jane Sill and Cynthia Bonell.
A suggested donation of £1 per child is appreciated to help cover overhead costs.