Student Code of Conduct


The Jamyang student code of conduct is designed to give clear guidance to students when participating in activities at the centre, whether in person and online, and how to best to contribute to a harmonious learning environment, considering activity of the body, speech and mind.

Code of C.O.N.D.U.C.T 

C – Communicate with Kindness: Jamyang London Buddhist Centre observes practices of right speech, not speaking harmful words, not lying and practicing non-harm. In the cultural context of today, that means being inclusive and mindful of equality and diversity in speech. Not using discriminatory language, offensive words, being intentionally divisive or expressing harmful or hateful opinions. 

O – Observe Boundaries: Respect boundaries within Jamyang London Buddhist Centre; including opening hours of the building, office and service hours of the team, private areas of the space, availability of and access to the resident teacher and appropriate behaviour within a religious and educational context and personal boundaries with peers. 

N – Non-Harm: Harmful or Abusive language, actions and behaviour, across any medium including in-person, over email, zoom and social media, will not be tolerated. Projecting negative intention through communication, being accusatory or purposefully distressing team members is unacceptable behaviour. 

D – Develop understanding: Conflict can arise from misunderstandings, unnoticed cultural differences, misunderstood information and misuse or misinterpretation of language. Aim to develop understanding of your fellow students and teachers, and that people’s backgrounds, experiences and perspectives are often different from your own. 

U – Use communication routes: Every course and activity at Jamyang London Buddhist Centre has an allocated coordinator or facilitator. Know who yours is and how best to contact them; keep communications respectful, kind and courteous. 

C – Confidentiality – Many personal thoughts are shared within a Dharma educational community. Respect others’ right to confidentiality and treat sensitive personal information with care and discretion. 

T – That’s not OK Speak up when something is not right. Jamyang London Buddhist Centre has a comprehensive safeguarding structure in place, to support students and community members. We are ready to help. Be confident to say and receptive to hearing ‘That’s not ok’. 

If students are unable to observe the code of conduct at Jamyang London Buddhist Centre remedial action will be taken, which may include removing students who disregard the code of conduct from their course of study.

In addition to the code of conduct, some helpful tips are included below: 

It is helpful to: 

  • Respect boundaries within Jamyang London Buddhist Centre; including opening hours of the building, private areas of the space, availability of the resident teacher and appropriate behaviour within a religious and educational context  
  • Utilise appropriate lines of communication; each course has an educational coordinator overseen by the Spiritual Programme Coordinator, know who yours is and how best to contact them. 
  • Have an awareness of Jamyang’s wider safeguarding policies (these can be found online and onsite) including the ‘Safe Space’ policy. 
  • Remember that Jamyang London Buddhist Centre is an inclusive educational environment and be sensitive to the needs and experiences of others when engaged in classes, debate, discussion and other activities 
  • Practice kind speech; helpful and clear communication benefits all within the Jamyang London Buddhist Centre community. 
  • Familiarise yourself with the educational disclaimer (which can be found online and onsite) 
  • Be mindful of giving advice to other students within a Dharma context, it is often helpful to reach out to the education team or facilitators with questions. 
  • Have awareness around appropriate speech related to other religious groups  
  • Learn from experiences within community around language. When problems arise, they are often accompanied by an opportunity to learn and ask ourselves how to do better.

London, May 2023 

Jamyang London Buddhist Centre  

The Old Courthouse, 43 Renfrew Road 
London, SE11 4NA