Science & Wisdom LIVE is one year old! Watch the Anniversary Video of Science & Wisdom LIVE!
On the 11 November 2020, we were all excited to go online and hear from our speakers about ‘Destructive Emotions and Distorted Perceptions’. And we feel so very grateful for, and inspired by, what we have achieved since then, thanks to the dedicated team at Science & Wisdom LIVE, as well as the huge support this new project has received from the Jamyang communities.
Started as a project that focuses on bringing the contemplative traditions together with science, inviting debate on the common ground between religion and spirituality, and gleaning insights from their areas of divergence – at the end of our first year we can see how much we have grown.
Indeed, we can look back at a wonderful year, full of insightful events, such as the wonderful talk by Prof. Basil Hiley on the principles of David Bohm’s theory about the quantum potential, or Geshe Namdak’s dialogue with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and, most recently, with Dr. Carlo Rovelli.
And there are still many more exciting events to look forward to in the coming months: for example, the new Lighthouse Dialogues with Vicki Mackenzie, who will interview Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo and Sister Jayanti Kirpalani for the first two instalments of this series. Or the dialogue on Deep Ecology, Mindfulness, and Climate Emergency that is scheduled for the 9 December 2021 (with Dr. Vandana Shiva, Dr. Stephan Harding, and Dr. David Loy).

There are also many things going on behind the scenes of Science & Wisdom LIVE that most people don’t know about! One of the things we really rejoice in is the number of qualitative partnerships that we’ve started to build with other organisations this year: the list now counts 10 partnerships already, which is topped by our first partner Mind & Life Europe and more recently also includes the Global Tree Initiative and the Compassion Institute in the US. We are very happy that these partnerships reflect the deep intention of Science & Wisdom LIVE to be all-inclusive, beneficial, and open-minded.
Lastly, Science & Wisdom LIVE has been developing plans for a larger project in e-Learning. As most people know, e-Learning not only creates a rich global platform of inclusiveness – not bound by any country or locality – but also a vast archive of knowledge that has the potential to become wisdom when it’s internalised and practiced by the people that sign up to the various courses. In an age where we can take an e-Learning course that includes HH the Dalai Lama himself as a contributor, one starts to understand the importance of this form of universal education.
We are so happy to celebrate all these milestones with our community, as well as friends and sponsors of Science & Wisdom LIVE, who have all helped in making this possible. Thank you all so very much! We hope you enjoy this birthday video that we’ve created to honour Science & Wisdom LIVE’s first year of hard work and commitment.
With gratitude and love,
Marco and Sajda & the volunteer team at Science & Wisdom LIVE: John, Tiziana, and Adam.