3 events found.
Bereavement Café
Bereavement Café
Library at Jamyang 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United KingdomAre you recently bereaved and wish you could chat or just listen openly in a group with no set agenda with those who have had similar experiences? Come along for tea and cake.
Death Cafe
Death Cafe
Library at Jamyang 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United KingdomAt a Death Cafe people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death.
Dying Well
Dying Well
Library at Jamyang 43 Renfrew Road, London, London, United KingdomDying Well is open to anyone interested in exploring more about what a good death might be for themselves and looking at what preparations might be helpful to have a ‘good death’.
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