Week of Events
The Two Bodhicittas | Geshe Kelsang Wangmo
Within the two concepts of relative and ultimate bodhicittas, therefore, we find distilled the entire Bodhisattva path. We are honoured that Geshe Kelsang Wangmo has kindly accepted our invitation to teach on this subject over two evenings.
Recovery Dharma
Recovery Dharma
A weekly meeting of Recovery Dharma, a peer-led group that uses Buddhist practices and principles to find freedom from the suffering of addiction.
Medicine Buddha Puja
Medicine Buddha Puja
During this traditional practice we hold in our hearts the suffering of the world and pray for peace, harmony and healing for all life on earth and beyond.
Double-Up Dharma! The Lam Rim Chen Mo and Emptiness | Professor Guy Newland
Double-Up Dharma! The Lam Rim Chen Mo and Emptiness | Professor Guy Newland
Double-up Dharma! is a series of online talks by speakers who we have invited for their specialised knowledge of the Buddhist teachings, as well as their incredible skills in communicating them.
Community Yoga
Community Yoga
Expect a subtle and gentle form of yoga which promotes the release of tension and more ease of movement.
Nagarjuna’s Heart of Dependent Origination | Jhado Rinpoche
Nagarjuna’s Heart of Dependent Origination | Jhado Rinpoche
We are very pleased to announce that Rinpoche has agreed to give us online teachings again. This time, Rinpoche will teach on Arya Nagarjuna's Heart of Dependent Origination.
How to Meditate
How to Meditate
These meditation drop-in sessions are secular and have been created so that like-minded people can meet, meditate and learn how to meditate together.