As interest in science increases among UK youth, new initiatives have emerged to promote engagement in this field, particularly for communities who have not been given equitable educational and life opportunities. One of these new initiatives is BEaMS (Black, Ethnic, and Minority Scientists) a new society based at the University of Birmingham, whose ethos is to provide a supportive and interactive networking space for Black, Ethnic, and Minority Scientists.
We are aware of the persistent underrepresentation of Black and global majority in both STEM, (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), and in the field of contemplative practices, including Buddhism. We are committed to supporting all underrepresented communities in an ongoing commitment to redress equal opportunities and access for all.
As part of our efforts to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within Science & Wisdom LIVE there will be three initial Scholarships offered in 2023. These scholarships are dedicated for young female Black and global majority scientists and/or female Buddhists with an interest in science, to join our first online course for free. These scholarships connect to our ongoing commitment to inclusivity at Jamyang London Buddhist Centre, in addition to our Inclusivity Ambassador Scholarships which are currently offered for three of our long-term study programmes: the Basic Programme, Exploring Buddhism and Discovering Buddhism.
At Jamyang London Buddhist Centre we have a generosity model in place, so that no one will be turned away from Buddhist study courses, classes or events due to lack of funds. If the existing tier options are not accessible for you, please email [email protected] to request additional financial support. Everyone is welcome, regardless of what you can donate. We want to help find a plan that is workable for your situation.

Read more information about the scholarships dedicated to Black and Global Majority students in STEM through the e-learning course, “Buddhism and Quantum Physics” at Science and Wisdom LIVE.