Buddhist Courses

Taught by Geshe Tenzin Namdak, our long-term study programs are the ideal way to deepen your Dharma knowledge

Jamyang offers 4 multi-year programs of Buddhist Study, suitable for beginners and those new to Buddhism, intermediate study for those with some experience and long-term study and in-depth Philosophy. Review the selection of programs and choose the right course for you.

Choose your study program

Each of our courses, designed by the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition, are suited to meet the needs of any community member, from complete beginners to advanced students – following the traditional guidance of learning, contemplation and meditation.

Discovering Buddhism

A 2 year course designed to provide a comprehensive base of Buddhist knowledge

Discovering Buddhism, a course developed by FPMT, uses this fundamental learning structure, ‘The Stages of the Path’ (know in Tibetan as Lam Rim) as its basis, giving students a complete picture of the Buddhist path and how its multitude of components fit together.

Exploring Buddhism

Our newest study program, providing a modular approach to key aspects of Buddhist mind science and philosophy.

Starting mid-2024, Exploring Buddhism is our newest course, which presents selected Buddhist topics in a modular program, providing a strong basis for study, contemplation and meditation.

In-Depth Philosophy

A 2 year course taught on a specific Philosophical Buddhist text

Starting on June 12th, our Wednesday evening course is dedicated to the seminal Buddhist text ‘Entering the Middle Way’ by Chandrakirti.

Basic Program

Our advanced multi-year study program

The current cycle of Basic Program is 3 years into the 5 year timeline; some classes are available to drop into or view online – message us for details