Tiffany Singh, is a Basic Programme student on our Inclusivity Ambassador scheme who is also a fine social practice artist, focusing on the links between art, communities and wellbeing.
Discover more in this interview.
“My practice has been about bridging aspects of Mindfulness, wellbeing and education through the arts.
I have travelled extensively in my youth and often arrived without planning at incredible Buddhist center’s around the world including Kopan and Sera Jey and many of the Monasteries in Ladakh, which for me where quite profound and life changing. I have always felt the need to be of service but have only the ability of creative practice as a skill set.
Upon returning to New Zealand one of my main concerns as an artist has been that of equality and compassion and tolerance for the challenges others face. This has led me to partner with Buddhist organization’s in New Zealand such as Dorje Chang institute of wisdom and Dhargyey Buddhist Centre to create works of art that allow for education and mindful practice to occur through fine arts institutions.
Most recently I have worked on the series of artworks that accompany His Holiness the Dalai Lamas contemporary album Inner World. This project has been a global offering in a contemporary manner which has very much made me want to study & learn more about Tibetan Buddhism.
Upon relocating to London, it felt right to try and connect with a Buddhist community here also. When I found out about the BP scholarship it resonated in many different ways, mainly as a means to apply my knowledge and skill set to be of benefit to a new community, whilst giving my children the grounding in teachings and a spiritual community they long for. The move for us as a family has been financially challenging so without the support and vision of Jamyang to invest in an inclusivity program it would have been impossible to have access to the three jewels of life. “
Find out more about Tiffany Singh and her work