Following Rinpoche’s advice, the IMI Sangha offers online “Prayers in Accordance with the Times”
Join online the 10 hours Prayerathon.
Saturdays, 7:00 until 17:00 (GMT)
Live on Youtube:
It takes place weekly, led by IMI monks and nuns, connected to the FPMT, who take turns.
The prayers can be dedicated to different goals and sentient beings.
During these times, we keep especially in our mind everyone involved in or victim of the war situation in Ukraine, but all-natural disasters, human dramas (refugee problems, slavery, human trafficking, deaths) and events can be the object of our prayers and compassion.
During these times, we keep especially in our mind everyone involved in or victim of the war situation in Ukraine, but all-natural disasters, human dramas (refugee problems, slavery, human trafficking, deaths) and events can be the object of our prayers and compassion.
Everyone can participate and is easy to follow; mostly the prayers are projected on the screen.
More information: Prayers – International Mahayana Institute (